About Prananadi
The expression Prananadi® is a Sanskrit composit word. It’s first tag is prana (प्राण), which means: wind, vital force or energy. The second tag is nadi (नराडी), which means: vessel, pipe, flow, channel. When merging these two indivitual words, we get ‘universal vital energy channel’, what describes the essence of the method very accurately.
The meaning of prana: a universal principle that pervades space, and forms the trinity of absolute manifestation together with mind and matter. Prana is the force that is behind all activities within the body, it helps all functions that promote signs of life.
So prana exists in the air, water, food, etc. Living organisms take and use prana from these to sustain vital functions of the body.
The meaning of nadi: channel, flow, vessel, pipe. The nadis and chakras pick up vital energy from our environment, the cosmos and they transform it into vibration, that is essential for sustaining the physical and energy bodies.
The meaning of Prananadi®: Absolute energy channel, universal vital force channel.
Prananadi® is basically an ancient lay-on-hands method that helps harmonization and personal development (the concept is not alien to the Hungarian culture as our word ‘kezelés’ also stems from it). The positive effects that touch has on health and mental wellbeing were already proven by many modern Western researches.
According to the teachings of our lineage, the origin of the method is dated back to cc. 6700 years ago. The first written materials that mention natural remedies date back to cc. 3000 years ago.
Prananadi® has existed in Hungary since February 1993, when we first gave this name for this healing method.
The effects of Prananadi®
It supports life-sustaining processes, it works well together as a complementery therapy with all medical treatments, taking effect on all levels. It accustoms itself to the personal needs of all living and non-living organisms. It supports personal development. It improves our positive attitude to other human beings, helping us to know ourselves better.
Prananadi® is not related to any religion so anyone can learn it or ask for a healing treatment.